Rosy Beyelschmidt

horns, planks, monitor, 4:3 color video*, no sound, 2:15 min
desk chair, logbook, radio sound

*Director · Writer · Performance : Rosy Beyelschmidt
*Camera · VFX · Editor : Dieter Beyelschmidt

at: Górnoslaskie Centrum Kultury, Kattowitz, PL · 1997

The video performance (2:15 min/loop), visible on a monitor standing on wooden planks, with the (mutated) horns of a young animal placed in front of it in the viewer's position, points the visitor to the theme of 'evolution / self-organised optimisation of DNA', as well as to the possibility of 'mutations'. The genetic code - basically the same for all living beings - as the book of life. Who rewrites the book; with what consequences?
The 'LogBook', located on the table, is recited a passage of Genesis, which can be continued by the visitors. The visitor has the possibility to sit down at the desk in order to watch the installation or the video from this position, which visualises 'Gen.1,26-28' (...Let us make man ... who shall rule over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air ...). He can switch on the transistor radio in front of him and (facing the present time) seek a station of his choice; he can face the signal mutations and, depending on his mind, tune in well.

fotografia instalacje video
Górnoslaskie Centrum Kultury, w Katowicach, PL